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Necessity of road construction machinery with appropriate size of machinery and equipment

2016-04-08 18:03:12

1. take full construction initiative. With appropriate size of machinery and equipment, will not be affected by selection committee wrangling during the construction progress of the project, do not appear subject to someone else's situation. The problem in our unit has a profound lesson. For example, in my unit during reclaimed asphalt pavement construction of some projects in Tibet, since the asphalt paver is rented in the community, operator is also employed by the leasing company, in operating the most stressful time, because the operator does not meet the salary from the leasing company, for a variety of reasons do, seriously affected the progress of the project, causing irreparable economic damage. And if my unit has its own machinery and equipment, will be able to independently arrange for construction production, fully grasp the construction of the initiative.

take full construction initiative. With appropriate size of machinery and equipment, will not be affected by selection Committee wrangling during the construction progress of the project, do not appear subject to someone else's situation. The problem in our unit has a profound lesson. For example, in my unit during asphalt pavement construction of some projects in Tibet, since the asphalt paver is rented in the community

2. can create greater economic benefits. Under normal circumstances, most construction machinery 30%-40%-profit, in a project output, output value accounted for subgrade engineering in mechanical parts 20%-25%, pavement engineering to 10%-15%, a construction machinery output at least 10% per cent of profit. If all rental community in the construction machinery and equipment, these profits will flow freely lost.

3. training technical personnel. In today's fierce competition in the market, capital, talent, technology and equipment are the four cornerstones of the survival and development of enterprises, but also improve the efficiency of the main factors of production. They have a certain amount of machinery and equipment, you can implement job rotation, and constantly improve the skills of operators, makes for an excellent professional and technical personnel. From a long-term perspective, the ownership of a unit of construction machinery and equipment not only on behalf of his economic power, more importantly reflects his quick combat capability. At present, armed police traffic troops have been incorporated into the national system of emergency rescue force, if there is no certain amount of technical equipment, no skilled personnel, to be fast and efficient, high quality and low cost to complete the emergency rescue task that is empty.

Necessity of road construction machinery with appropriate size of machinery and equipment


Email: ann@haomei.biz

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