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product asphalt mixing plant
Electrical apparatus control system of asphalt plant
Electrical apparatus control system of asphalt plant
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Fully computerized system has the power control, cold aggregate automatically supplying control and automatic control in the mixing process as well as the function of data monitoring in the production process, CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE and failure warning and the production date report storage and printing. The operator can control and manage the production of the mixing equipment by computer keyboard.

The asphalt recycling equipment is designed according to standard high cabinet container, suitable for the construction requirement in both home and abroad. All the components can put into the container, can greatly reduce transport cost. No foundation and modular design, can induce the install and disassembly time to the shortest.

Computerized controls are provided for burner, temperature, damper, emergency plant shut down, sequential start and stop, etc. This display shows production TPH, Aggregate TPH, Asphalt TPH & Mix Temperature. Daily production data scan be printed out for records. All controls are mounted on a centralized control panel inside the control room.

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