Asphalt recycling equipment is preventive maintenance of equipment, using a dedicated hot recycling equipment, heating, milling of asphalt pavement, and added a number of new asphalt, new, such as asphalt, recycled, thermal processes such as mixing, spreading, rolling, a one-time implementation within some depth on the surface of the asphalt concrete pavement recycling technology. Regeneration of complex mixed recycling, repaving it can be divided into two kinds.
(1) complex mixed recycling: old asphalt pavement heating, milling, adding a certain amount of in-place recycling agent and new asphalt, new asphalt mixture, hot mix paving and compaction molding. Added new general control of asphalt mixture ratio is less than 30%.
(2) added Pu regeneration: will old asphalt road heating, and milling planing, local mixed added must number of new asphalt mixed material, and regeneration agent, and mixing formed regeneration mixed material, using regeneration complex mix machine of first ironing flat assessment Pu regeneration mixed material, using regeneration complex mix machine of second ironing flat while will new asphalt mixed material assessment Pu Yu regeneration mixed material on, two layer with pressure real forming.
Thermal regeneration of asphalt pavement with asphalt as combining material and, if necessary, adding regenerant. The same time, which might be 10 ° c above ambient temperature under construction.
Hot reclamation adapted occasion: apply hot reclamation shallow only mild disease of highways and secondary roads in-place recycling of asphalt pavement surface layer, regeneration layer can be used as the top layer or layers. Recycled asphalt pavement hot regenerative, recycling depth is generally 20~50mm.
1, repair of asphalt pavement surface disease;
2, to restore physical and mechanical properties of asphalt surface layer;
3, to restore smoothness of asphalt pavement, repair of asphalt pavement rutting.
4, the advantages and disadvantages of hot in-place recycling
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